Electronic Structure Database (ESDb)
The Electronic Structure Database (ESDb) is an open online database with access to a community driven collection of electronic structure properties calculated at different approximation levels with a focus on results from using a fully converged GW approach. The goal of this project is to house a large amount of data for future material prediction and other autonomous related works. Not only is the data free to use, it is backed by a reliability factor which is determined by the community since so much data can be produced there must be some way to identify what is reliable and what is not. Another feature available to users is a material search form which can be submitted if there is data missing for a material.
Updates Coming Soon
- Add the ability to delete maerials from the database
- Add ability to upload optical absorption
- Add ability to upload phonon dispersion
- Switch over to SENS server which is backed up every night ... UPDATED(2018-05-14)
- Add the ability to have a batch upload form if the user is uploading alot of data, this way it can be done faster
- Slide show of images to the home page of the database
- An API
- Speed up on database page loading ... UPDATED(2018-05-12)
- Ability to upload crystal structure, band structure, etc to material page ... UPDATED(2018-05-13)
- Ability to upload crystal structure image to materials page ... UPDATED(2018-05-2013)
- Addition to the material page specifing when the page was last modified and by who
- A Query page teaching the user how to use SQL to query the database
- The actual material search form
- Get a fixed IP address ... UPDATED(2018-05-13)
Time when page last refreshed:
02:52:01 PM
Thu: Feb 13, 2025